Katana® Long Lasting Weed Control 50g Bottle

SKU: 18111

Weight: 50g
Sale price£84.95 ex. VAT
£101.94 inc. VAT
(minimum of 1)


Product Overview
Product Type Herbicide
Product Name Katana®
MAPP No. 20199
Active Substances Flazasulfuron
Formulation Water dispersable granule
Areas of Use Natural surfaces not intended to bear vegetation, permeable surfaces overlying soil, hard surfaces (railway ballast only), amenity vegetation (around)
Amateur/Professional Professional
Phytomobility Residual
Mode of Action Group Inhibition of ALS

Katana® is a residual herbicide containing  25% w/w flazasulfuron. It can be used to prevent emergence of broad leaved and grass weeds on natural and permeable surfaces as well as on railway ballast and around amenity vegetation. Katana® can be applied using a knapsack or a vehicle mounted boom sprayer at a rate of 150 g/ha in 200-600 l/ha water.

Katana® is an ideal choice for areas where the presence of weeds is not desirable, for example on play areas, mowing margins and shrub beds. Its long residual activity of up to five months means that the number of herbicide applications can be reduced with no loss of efficacy. Where weeds are already present Katana® can be tank mixed with glyphosate to provide a cost effective method of controlling existing weeds and preventing emergence of new weeds.

Product Benefits

  • Can reduce the number of herbicide applications that are necessary
  • Works for up to 5 months
  • Controls the emergence of both broadleaved and grass weeds

Instructions for use

Where to use

  • Natural surfaces not intended to bear vegetation - Areas of soil or natural outcroppings of rock that are not intended to bear vegetation
  • Permeable surfaces overlying soil - Any man-made permeable surface (excluding railway ballast) that overlies soil and is not intended to bear vegetation
  • Hard surfaces (railway ballast only) - Any railway ballast impermeable surface that is not intended to bear vegetation
  • Amenity vegetation (around) - Any areas of semi natural or ornamental vegetation, including trees (see product label for susceptible non-target plants)

When to use

Katana® is most effective when it is applied in the early to late spring before weeds the have germinated. If weeds are visible Katana® should be tank mixed with a suitable foliar herbicide such as glyphosate.

Application Window
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

How to use

Maximum Treatments Pack Coverage Application Method Application Rates Water Volume Spray Quality
1 per annum 3,333 m2 Conventional knapsack sprayer 150g/ha 200-600l/ha Medium
Vehicle mounted sprayer

  • Add half the required water to the spray tank
  • Add the required amount of Katana® to the spray tank and agitate thoroughly
  • Top-up the spray tank with water to the required level
  • Use immediately
  • For maximum persistence do not cultivate or rake the area following application
  • Clean application equipment with a diluted ammonia solution following use

Additional Information

  • A Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer
  • Can only be used on natural or porous surfaces such as gravel where the user can establish that the underlying surface is soil, and railway ballast surfaces
  • Must not be applied to any non-porous man made surfaces
  • Avoid spray drift onto non-target plants
  • To avoid build up of resistance do not apply this or any other ALS inhibitor herbicide for control of grass weeds more than once per year
  • When treating around amenity vegetation do no apply near species that have been planted for less than 2 years
  • Do not allow direct spray to fall with 5m (horizontal boom and train sprayers) or 1m (hand held sprayers) of the top of the bank of any static or flowing water body

Active Substances


Bio-Chemical Mode of Action: Flazasulfuron belongs to the inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (ALS) group of herbicides.

Acetolactate synthase is an important enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. ALS inhibitors interrupt this process causing the plant to initially become chlorotic before necrosis of plant tissues followed by whole plant death occurs.

Mobility: Flazasulfuron is a systemic penetrant which means that the active substance can be translocated downwards through the plant within the phloem (sugar conducting tissues) and upwards through the plant within the xylem (water conducting tissues).

Application timing: Residual ALS inhibitors are best applied prior to the emergence of weed species.

Resistance: ALS inhibitor herbicides pose a high-risk of resistance particularly for grass weed species including black-grass, Italian rye-grass and wild oats. To reduce the risk of resistance follow label instructions and rotate use with herbicides with differing modes of action.

For further information on Katana, please contact a member of our technical sales team on 01952 897917.

Safe use of pesticides

The purchaser and/or end users are responsible for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved professional product.

Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product.

You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides:

"By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out."

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