\ A newly formulated dew dispersant product for turf grass areas
H2Pro DewSmart is designed to prevent or reduce the formation of dew on the grass leaf. The formulation contains specifically selected sticking and spreading surfactants that bond to the leaf surface and prevent moisture droplets from forming. DewSmart is ideal for use on greens as part of a proactive approach to help minimize the risk of disease outbreaks and improve turf health and quality.
Key Features of DewSmart
- 3 - 4 week longevity in ideal conditions (see directions for use)
- When used as part of an integrated disease management programme DewSmart can help reduce the risk of disease attack
- Dew removal has been found to help promote higher levels of turf vigour
- Reduces the need for regular early morning switching of dew from greens
- Greens can be clear of dew for a cleaner cut and for the early morning golfer
- Simple to apply with a standard boom sprayer
- Specially formulated to avoid scorch

DewCure Application Information
- The best performance is achieved when applied under optimum conditions
- Cut or brush grass before product application
- Use nozzles suitable for foliar applications
- Apply 10 L/ha in 300 - 400 L water
- H2Pro DewSmart should not be tank mixed with any other product
- H2Pro DewSmart should be applied to a dry turf surface, application to a wet surface will reduce efficacy
- Turf should remain dry for 4 hours following application
- Application can be made with a standard boom sprayer
- Reducing the mowing frequency will increase the longevity of dew dispersal
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Tank-Mixing Instructions
Seek technical advice to discuss tank-mixing options. Mixing this product with other products may adversely impact performance.
For further information regarding DewSmart, please contact our technical sales team on 01952 897917.