Hysward-P Selective Herbicide

SKU: 190632

Litres: 5L
Sale price£59.95 ex. VAT
£71.94 inc. VAT
(minimum of 1)


MAPP no. 17609

Active Ingredients: 92 g/l mecoprop-P, 16 g/l dicamba and 101 g/l MCPA as the potassium salt.

Hysward-P is a unique selective weed killer spray which helps control and manage perennial weeds in managed amenity turf and grassland. It is perfect for targeting weeds in sports turf, parks, cemeteries, airfields, and other amenity grassland.

Weeds Controlled
Black Medick, Mouse Ear, Docks, Mayweeds, Bulbous Buttercup, Parsley Piert, Cats Ear, Pearlwort, Charlock, Plantains, Cinquefoil, Ragwort, Self Heal, Common Chickweed, Silverweed, Creeping Buttercup, Sorrel, Thistles, Trefoils, Daisy, White Clover, Dandelion, Yarrow, Knotgrass, Nettles, Chickweed, Cleavers

Application Information

Where to apply Hysward-P

This herbicide is ideal for use in sports turf, parks, cemeteries, airfields, and other amenity grassland. Users also tend to see good results from applying it on established grassland for the control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds. 

When to apply Hysward-P

Hysward-P can be applied at any time but for best results spraying should be undertaken when the soil is moist, and the weeds are actively growing. Weeds are ideally treated earlier in the season, during May. Please note that it is not recommended to use the product in drought conditions as Hysward-P will be less effective.

Rates and Timing

Water Volume l/ha Crops Maximum Individual Dose Maximum Number of Treatments
200 - 500 Amenity Grassland, Managed Amenity Turf 5.0-6.0 litres/ha One per year
Apply Through a Vehicle Mounted Hydraulic Sprayer

Note: Hysward-P is not authorised for application via hand held equipment.

See product label for species specific recommendations on application rates.

Additional Information

Areas sprayed with Hysward-P should not be grazed for at least 14 days after treatment. Avoid grazing or cutting the treated area if poisonous weeds such as ragwort or hemlock are present. Wait until the poisonous weeds have disappeared or become unpalatable.

Amenity Grassland And Managed Amenity Turf Uses

Providing that weeds have been allowed to grow between mowing, then spraying can be carried out at any time throughout the season. For heavy infestations, or for more challenging weeds, a second treatment with an alternative product may be applied later in the season.

The level of kill of individual weeds is related to their stage of growth at the time of treatment.

  • Do not sow any crop into soil treated with Hysward-P for at least 3 months after application.
  • Do not cut for 24 hours to allow the treatment to be absorbed, and preferably allow 2-3 days.
  • Do not use cuttings as a mulch, however composted cuttings may be used 6 months after application.
  • Do not use on new grass for six months after establishment.
  • Do not spray on windy days to avoid drift and avoid drift onto all broad-leaved plants outside the target area.
  • Do not spray when rain is imminent.
  • Do not spray during drought conditions, or when grass is otherwise under stress, such as following frost.

For further information regarding Hysward-P selective weed killer, please contact our technical sales team on 01952 897917.

Find more information in our guide How To Know Which Herbicide to Choose

Technical Information

SKU Product File
190632 5L Safety Data Sheet (PDF)
190632 5L Product Label (PDF)

Safe use of pesticides

The purchaser and/or end users are responsible for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved professional product.

Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product.

You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides:

"By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out."

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