
Adult male garden chafer beetles are drawn into the chafer beetle trap by means of a pheromone attractant lure. Once the garden chafer beetles fly to the trap, they hit the plastic vanes on top, and are funnelled down inside, where they are unable to escape.
There are six chafer species in the UK. The garden chafer beetle trap catches the garden chafer, Phyllopertha horticola, the species that is most likely to cause damage to turf. The garden chafer beetle trap alerts greenkeepers and turf mangers that garden chafer beetles are present and that egg laying will follow. Once the adult female has laid its eggs, they will develop into chafer grubs, leading to both primary and secondary damage of turf surfaces such as; golf greens, tees, fairways and semi roughs, cricket outfields, bowling greens, sports pitches and ornamental lawns.

- Primary Damage: Chafer grubs feed on grass roots reducing the plants ability to source water and food leading to greater susceptibility to biotic (organism) and abiotic (environmental) stress. The impeded rooting depth also reduces the surface stability of turf areas.
- Secondary Damage: Birds and mammals are attracted to the beetle larvae as a food source where they can cause extremely severe damage to turf surfaces as they peck and dig for the grubs.
Garden chafer beetle traps help to reduce adult beetle egg laying and give a valuable warning that chafers are present. In years when there are significant numbers of adult garden chafer beetles caught in the traps it may be beneficial to use Entomopathogenic Nematode treatments in late summer/autumn to help better control the population.
To order replacement chafer beetle pheromone lures, please call (0)1952 641949. Please note there is a minimum order quantity of 3 lures.
Technical Information
- The garden chafer beetle trap can be re-used each year when a new lure capsule is added.
- The trap should be placed in lawn areas and hung 50-100 cm above ground level.
- Area coverage: One trap will cover up to 2000 sq metres or half an acre.
- The trap is supplied with an attractant lure that will last up to six weeks, which covers the main flying season of the garden chafer beetle.
- Garden chafer beetle traps should be positioned outdoors by May and remain in place throughout June.
- The lure used in the garden chafer beetle trap is attractive to the garden chafer beetle but not to other species of chafers. The garden chafer beetle is the most likely chafer species to cause significant damage on lawns and turf surfaces.
Usage Window | |||||||||||
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Chafer Grub Life Cycle

Instructions for Use
Construction Instructions
- Interlock the vanes (A into B) and insert the four plastic pins in to the corresponding holes on the funnel.
- Push the lid firmly into position on to the vanes.
- Fix the funnel to the bucket with a twist action lining up the slots.
- Feed the string through the holes in the lid.
Suspend the chafer trap with the string at a height of 50-100 cm from the ground.
How to Insert the Attractant Lure
- Remove the attractant from the aluminium sachet (plastic vial containing liquid attractant).
- Cut the top of the vial off with scissors, then keeping upright, place in the cage and seal with the cap.
- Insert the cage into the hole at the top of the lid and push down making sure the case is secure.
Pheromone Attractant Storage Instructions
The aluminium sachet containing the lure should be stored in a freezer or fridge until use. If stored in a freezer at -18 °C the lures will have a shelf life of 2 years from the date of production.
Safety Information
- We recommend you wear gloves when handling the lure.
- The attractant will remain active for 6 weeks.
- Keep the attractant lure out of the reach of children.
Additional Information
Garden Chafer Beetle Trap Components
- Natural Bucket
- Green Funnel
- Green Vanes
- Green Lid
- String
- Cap
- Cage
- Attractant Lure
To discuss further information regarding the Garden Chafer Beetle Trap and Replacement Lures, or to place an order via phone call, please contact our technical sales team on 01952 897917.