Successful Education Event Held at Nailcote Hall

ALS in conjunction with BIGGA Midlands hosted a successful education day at Nailcote Hall, home of the British Par 3 Championships, with around 40 turf professionals in attendance.
Topics included, 'The importance of transparency with nutritional products and biostimulants' delivered by James Grundy, 'The loss of iprodione and a view by Technical Manager John Handley this will stimulate positive changes to the turf care industry' and 'Where the turf care industry will be 23 years from now by Area Technical Manger, Mark Allen'. Shrewsbury School Grounds Manager Andy Richards, discussed his recent purchase of their Davis Vantage Vue Weather Station and the influence and importance weather data is having to his decision making.
Mark commented that; "The turnout from Midlands Greenkeepers and Groundsmen was excellent for this event. It reinforces our belief that turf professionals retain a huge thirst for knowledge and technical excellence. By providing insightful presentations that truly lift the lid on nutrition, disease management and the big future issues for our industry, the feedback from the event has been overwhelmingly positive".
ALS would like to thank all that attended and are keen to support any further requests from turf professionals for education days contact us.