Calcareous Grassland Wildflower Mix 1kg

SKU: 190335

Sale price£54.15 ex. VAT
£64.98 inc. VAT
(minimum of 1)


The calcareous grassland wildflower mix is characterised by plants which are naturally found growing on shallow, soils with a high pH. The species in the mix are particularly suited to the dry conditions which are created by the free-draining nature of these soil types. The mix is designed to mimic the ‘CG’ National Vegetation Classification categories; the most widely distributed of which are CG2 and CG3.

Calcareous grasslands, such as CG2 and CG3, can provide both feeding and breeding habitats for birds and insects, particularly when managed as part of a mosaic of habitat types.

*Please Note: The contents of our wildflower mixtures will vary according to seed and species availability.

Product Summary

Type of Mix Sowing Rate Bag Weight Bag Coverage
80% grass & 20% wildflower 5 g/m2 1 kg 200 m2



Scientific Name Common Name 80/20 mix 100% mix
Achillea millefolium Yarrow 1.0% 5%
Centaurea nigra Common knapweed 1.4% 7%
Centaurea scabiosa Greater knapweed 1.4% 7%
Clinopodium vulgare Wild basil 0.2% 1%
Daucus carota Wild carrot 1.2% 6%
Filipendula vulgaris Dropwort 0.4% 2%
Galium verum Lady's bedstraw 1.6% 8%
Knautia arvensis Field scabious 1.8% 9%
Leontodon hispidus Rough hawkbit 0.4% 2%
Leucanthemum vulgare Oxeye daisy 1.2% 6%
Lotus corniculatus Birdsfoot trefoil 1.2% 6%
Origanum vulgare Wild marjoram 0.2% 1%
Plantago media Hoary plantain 1.2% 6%
Poterium sanguisorba Salad burnet 1.0% 5%
Primula veris Cowslip 0.2% 1%
Prunella vulgaris Selfheal 1.6% 8%
Ranunculous bulbosus Bulbous buttercup 1.4% 7%
Ranunculous acris Meadow buttercup 1.2% 7%
Reseda lutea Wild mignonette 0.2% 1%
Salvia verbenaca Wild clary 0.6% 3%
Scabiosa columbaria Small scabious 0.6% 3%


Scientific Name Common Name 80/20 mix
Agrostis capillaris Common bent 3%
Cynosaurus cristatus Crested dogstail 22%
Koeleria macrantha Crested hair-grass 2%
Briza maxima Quaking grass 2%
Festuca ovina Sheep's fescue 24%
Festuca rubra Slender creeping red fescue 16%
Phleum pratense Timothy 3%
Bromus erectus Upright brome 4%
Trisetum flavescens Yellow oat grass 3%

Application Recommendations

Where to use

Sow the calcareous grassland wildflower mix onto soils which are low in nutrients and have a high pH. Typical soils types are calcareous, chalky and limestone.

Soil pH Soil Types Soil Fertility Topography Soil moisture
>7 Calcareous
Low nutrient Upland
Well drained

When to use

In general, the best time for sowing perennial wildflower seeds is late summer/autumn (late August-October) when there is likely to be consistent moisture and warmth without extremes of cold or dry. Spring (late March-May) is usually considered the next best time to sow perennial wildflower seed, particularly if the ground is likely to be waterlogged over the winter.

Application Window
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

How to use

Prepare the ground
New Seed Bed Overseeding
Remove unwanted vegetation

Cultivate the soil to a depth of 150 mm removing the stones and debris

Level, then firm the seedbed

Rake the surface to product a fine tilth
Cut the grass short as possible and remove the clippings

Remove excess thatch to allow the seed to reach the soil surface

If compacted, aerate the soil
Provide water
If there has been little rainfall irrigate gently and slowly to fully wet through the soil profile
Sow seed
Sow seeds evenly using the correct sowing rate for the seed mix

Because sowing rates for wildflower seed are low, it is usually helpful to mix the seed with a carrier material such as slightly damp sand

Press the seeds into the soil using a roller or the back of a rake to ensure good seed to soil contact
Provide water
Keep the soil surface moist but not wet until the seeds have germinated AND established

Irrigate slowly and gently to avoid disturbing the seeds

Management & aftercare

Livestock grazing

Grazing with livestock is an effective method of managing wildflower meadows and grasslands because it creates uneven growth and distribution of species which leads to habitat niches. Grazing is also a good option in areas where it is difficult to utilise machinery, perhaps because it is too wet or because the ground is too rough.

Suggested grazing regime
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Graze if ground conditions allow Remove livestock to allow the plants to flower Graze with between 0.4-1 LU/ha


Mowing and removing the clippings can be used to replicate the process of hay cutting and grazing. It is important to remove clippings to avoid nutrients being returned to the soil. Soils for wildflowers are usually low in nutrients to encourage species diversity.

Suggested mowing regime
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Leave uncut unless growth is vigorous Cut and collect clippings Allow to flower and seed Cut and collect clippings Leave uncut unless growth is vigorous

For further information regarding the Calcareous Grassland Wildflower mix or to discuss placing a bulk order, please contact our technical sales team on 01952 897917.

Find more information in our guide How To Create and Maintain Wildflower and Ornamental Flowering Meadows

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