
Constructed from a mix of concrete and wood fibres, WoodStone® nest boxes safeguard against attacks from predators including woodpeckers, cats and squirrels.
The WoodStone® material insulates the nest which creates a more consistent internal temperature than an ordinary wooden box. This is especially important during the breeding season and ensures that young birds have a greater chance of survival.
If well hidden these boxes will be used by Robins and Wrens. We recommend using aluminium nails to hang due to the weight of the nest box and to limit any damage caused to trees.
Available in Green and Brown.
Suitable for Species: | |
Robins | Wrens |
Spotted Flycatchers | Song Thrushes |
Pied Wagtails | Grey Wagtails |
Blackbirds |
Every WoodStone® nest box is guaranteed for 10 years.
Supporting Biodiversity
We recommend using these bird boxes in conjunction with Insect & Bird attracting Wildflowers. You can purchase in confidence knowing that each wildflower seeds mixture in our range will produce a vast array of colourful wildflowers to attract insects, and a large amount of seeds to attract birds.
For further information on the Barcelona Open WoodStone® Nest Box, please contact a member of our technical sales team on 01952 897917